new oregon drivers license - OR
Oregon Drivers License Information
To get your drivers license in Oregon, you need to apply for a Class C (Non Commercial) license. You must have a Oregon license immediately upon establishing residency (not establising residency is considered a traffic violation!)
Drivers License Class Types
There are 5 types of driver license classes in Oregon. The most common type of license will be the Class C drivers license. This is the class that you will most likely be applying for. It serves to drive any vehicle that is under 26,001 pounds. Additionally, there is also a Class C Restricted license which is used to drive a moped, student permit or a disabled golf cart permit. Finally there are 3 different Commercial license types. These are Class A, Class B and Class C.
Oregon Drivers License Requirements
18 years and under (Graduated Driver Licensing - GDL)
To legally drive, people under the age of 18 must must possess an active driver's license or an instruction permit. Out of state residents must be older than 16 years and must possess a valid and active drivers license. 15 year old drivers from out of state must possess a valid instruction permit.
Class C (Regular Drivers License)
You must be at least 18 years old.
Provisional License (Class C)
Must be 16 or 17 years of age.
Must have an Instruction Permit (See Below) for at least 6 months. Permit can be from another state. It's also important to note that a permit is not required if you already have an active out of state drivers license.
Safety Education Course
Pass a Safe Driving Pratices Test
Must have parental consent.
Your license must not have been declared to be suspended or revoked.
Provisional Instruction Permit (Class C)
You must be between 15 and 17 years of age.
Must have proof of School enrollment.
Must have parental consent.
18 years and over
For complete details and Restrictions and to GET your Oregon drivers license, please SIGN IN HERE
Oregon Drivers Ed
Visit our oregon drivers ed page for more information on Oregon driver education.
Tests Required
Test requirements vary by age and depending on whether you've previously held a license in another state.
For complete details and to GET your Oregon license, please SIGN IN HERE
New Driver's License
Instruction Permit
Drive Test
Knowledge Test
For complete Fees SIGN IN HERE
Documents needed to get your Oregon Drivers License
Proof of Full Legal Name
A few examples:
Marriage Certificate (Government issued)
Oregon Driver License
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE
Proof of Legal Presence, Identity and Date of Birth
A few examples:
Birth Certificate (Government issued)
U.S. Passport (must be active)
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE
Proof of Oregon Residency
For Minors (Under 18)
Parent or guardian signature on application
Social Security Number
A few examples:
Social Security Card (photocopies not allowed)
State or Federal Tax Document (photocopies are allowed)
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE
For people not born in the U.S. or Non American citizens
A few examples:
Foreign Passport (must be active)
Permanent Resident Card
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE
Oregon DMV Office
Go to your Oregon DMV Office in order to take your required tests. You can use our locator to find the office that is closest to you.
Take the Oregon Drivers License Test
At this point you need to make sure that you have prepared and studied all of the material for the written test. You can find the Oregon Driver Test handbook here.
Buy a Car and Get Auto Insurance
Auto insurance is required by law in most states. Click HERE to get started and we'll help you find the lowest rates in your state.
Take the Driving Test
Your last step is to show up to your local Oregon DMV Office and take the driving test.