iowa drivers permit - IA
Iowa Drivers License Information
To get your drivers license in Iowa, you need to apply for a Class C or noncommerical operator drivers license.
Iowa Drivers License Requirements
18 years and under (Graduated Driver's Licenses - GDL)
Full License Class C
You must be at least 17 years old.
Must have parental consent.
Intermediate License
You must be at least 16 years old.
Must have parental consent.
Instruction Permit
Must be at least 14 years old .
Must have parental consent.
For complete details and to GET your Iowa license, please SIGN IN HERE
Iowa Drivers Ed
Visit our iowa drivers ed page for more information on Iowa driver education.
Tests Required
Vision Test
Written Tests
Driving Test
Test requirements vary by age and depending on whether you've previously held a license in another state.
For complete details and to GET your Iowa license, please SIGN IN HERE
New Driver's License
2 Year License
5 Year License
Instruction Permit
For complete Fees SIGN IN HERE
Documents needed to get your Iowa Drivers License
Proof of Identity (Primary Documents)
A few examples:
Drivers License with photo
U.S. Passport
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE
Proof of Identity (Secondary Documents)
A few examples:
Social Security Card
Marriage Certificate (certified original)
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE
For Minors (Under 18)
Parent or guardian Written consent
Social Security Number
A few examples:
Social Security Card
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE
Proof of Residency
A few examples:
Lease or rental contracts
Utility Bills (must show 30 days of residency)
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE
For people not born in the U.S. or Non American citizens
Must show proof of Social Security