How long is a drivers ed certificate valid in CA
Your California drivers education certificate is valid until you turn seventeen and a half (17 and ½) years of age. This is because if you are at least 17 and ½ years old , then you do not have to get driver education or driver training. At this age, you can get your permit directly without going through drivers ed. However, please note that you will not be able to get your regular drivers license until you turn eighteen (18) years of age. If you wish to apply for a regular California drivers license before 18, then you will need to show proof that you have passed either driver training or driver education.
Once you have completed your drivers ed, you can apply either for a driver license for minors, or a permit for minors. Remember that a permit for minors requires driver training. You can never drive alone. You must always have a licensed driver 25 years or older next to your seat.