colorado drivers permit - CO
Colorado Drivers License Information
To get your drivers license in Colorado, you need to show all proper identification documents (See Below)
Colorado Drivers License Requirements
21 years and under
Driver's License
You must be over 21 years of age.
Minor Instruction Permit
You must be between 16 and 21 years old.
Driver Awareness Permit
You must be between 15 and 1/2 to 16 years old.
Driver Education Permit
You must be between 15 and 15 and 1/2 years old.
Colorado Drivers Ed
Visit our colorado drivers ed page for more information on Colorado driver education.
Tests Required
Instruction Permit
Documents needed to get your Colorado Drivers License
Show 1 of the following
The following all prove Age, Identity and Lawful Presence
A few examples:
Active Colorado Drivers License with photo, signature and fingerprint.
Active U.S. passport.
Military ID card with photo.
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE
OR Show 1 of the following Age and Identity Document PLUS 1 Lawful Presence Document
The following only prove Age and Identity. Must also supply Lawful Presence from below.
A few examples:
A Drivers License from Colorado that has expired no less than 10 years ago.
A Military ID card that has expired no less than 10 years ago.
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE
Lawful Presence
A few examples:
Social Security Card
U.S. Birth Certificate
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE
Show 1 of the following
Residential Address
A few examples:
Utility Bill.
Rent payment receipt.
Report card from a school (school must be accredited).
For complete list of items SIGN IN HERE