new florida drivers license - FL
Florida Drivers License Information
To get your drivers license in Florida, you need to apply for a Class E or noncommerical drivers license.
Florida Drivers License Requirements
18 years and under
Class E
You must be at least 16 years old.
Learner's Restricted
You must be at least 15 years of age or would like to learn how to drive.
Intermediate License
You must be 16 years old and possess a Learner's License for a minimum of 1 year.
18 years and over
Florida Drivers Ed
First time applicants must compete a traffic law and substance abuse education course.
Visit our florida drivers ed page for more information on Florida driver education.
Tests Required
18 years and under
Learner's Restricted
Road Rules
Road Signs
Class E
Road Rules
Road Signs
18 years and over
Class E
Road Rules
Road Signs
Documents needed to get your Florida Drivers License
Proof of Identity
Proof of Social Security Number
Proof of Residential Address
These can include:
Mortgage payments,
Florida Voter Registration Card,
Vehichle Registration or Title,
Boat Registration or Title,
A statement from a parent legal guardian or person whom you reside,
Homeowners insurance policy
Automobile insurance policy.
Note: If you are not a citizen of the USA
You must present proof of legal presence.
Florida Drivers License Renewal
Renew your Florida drivers license. Prepare all your DMV info. Get all the forms, rules and steps required for your FL drivers license renewal. Drivers in the state of Florida have a few different renewal options. The fastest and most convenient method is to renew online. Another suitable option is to renew by sending your application via mail. If you do not qualify for any of those methods, you are always welcome to stop by a driver license office. Your final alternative is to let us handle everything for you. We’ll supply you with a handy checklist, and prepare you with all of the important forms, rules, and steps. Please continue reading below to get started with your Florida license renewal.
Florida Drivers License Renewal Information
Expiration Date
Your class E driver's license in the Sunshine State will usually expire every eight (8) years and therefore must be renewed at this interval. However, some licenses were only issued for six (6) years. Also note that licenses issued to drivers with immigration documents will have an expiration date depends on their legal status. As a quick reminder, your license will always expire on your birthday. To verify your expiration date, double check by looking at the front part of your license. It will clearly say the expiration date, as illustrated on our sample image below.

You must have your license on your person while driving. If you are cited by a traffic officer, you will be asked to show your license. If you happen to lose or destroy your license, you must file for a replacement as soon as possible.
Renewal Notice
You may receive a renewal reminder of your upcoming expiration. If you are eligible to renew by mail, a renewal package might be sent to you. In order to keep this possibility open, please make sure that the FL DMV has your latest mailing address on file. A drivers license address change must be reported to the DMV ten (10) days after you move. This will allow you to receive important reminders about your license and vehicle registration. If you did not receive a reminder, don't worry as it is not required to renew. To make sure of your renewal options please keep reading below or you may contact the DMV by phone at 850-617-2000 or by filling out the following contact form on the website. Receiving a renewal notice is a great reminder, but if you do not receive one and do not renew on time, your license will expire. The DMV is not held responsible for your late renewal.
When To Renew
The FL DMV will give you sufficient time to plan your renewal. You are able to renew eighteen (18) months before your license expires. It's wise to use this rule as it will give you plenty of preparation time to get your documents in order for your renewal appointment.
Expired Florida License
By not renewing on time, your license will be officially expired. If your license expires you will not be able to drive. As of the year 2012, under Florida Statute 322.065 driving with an expired license is a traffic violation and you will be fined. On top of risking breaking any traffic laws, the DMV will charge you a late renewal fee. That fee is currently $15.00. There is no grace period. Your license will be officially expired after midnight on your birth day.
If your license is taken away because of a suspension, your renewal will be denied. Driving is a privilege that you must keep in good standing with the state. After serving your suspension period which could be between 30 days to 1 year, you'll need to have your license reinstated and pay all applicable fees. To find out about your options, please contact customer support and select the suspended license option. The final step after having your license returned to you, is to apply for car insurance. Since your rates will more than likely increase, you'll want to get the best prices and coverage for you. Let us do the work by using our Free Insurance Guide.
Renew Florida Drivers License Online
Let's go over the conditions that you must meet in order to renew online.
Requirements to Renew Online
You must be either a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a social security number. If you suspect that there could be an issue with your driver's license, please check it online.
Your license must not be on suspension, revocation or cancelation status.
If you last renewed online or by mail you cannot renew online consecutively. You must go in person.
If your license is not a photo type license, you cannot use the online service. You must go in person.
Your current license must have been issued on after the year 2002.
Your current license cannot be expiring more than eighteen (18) months from expiration date.
Visit the FL online renewal site to get started.
The first step is to enter either of the following items:
Current driver license number.
Social security number.
Vehicle identification number.
License tag number.
The second step is to enter your birth date and last 4 digits of your SSN.
Follow the instructions.
Prepare to pay the $48.00 renewal Fee for Class E licenses. You must add a $15.00 late fee is you are past expiration date. All forms of payment are accepted. You can use a credit card, debit card or even a check.
The FL DMV will send your new license via mail and should arrive in approximately one (1) week.
Note: For questions concerning your online request, please contact the DMV via the following methods:
Website: Click Here.
Phone Numbers: 850-617-2000
Florida Drivers License Renew by Mail
Its possible that if you qualified to renew by mail, the DMV will send you a renewal packet to your mailing address. If you are an active duty military driver, please read the military section below.
Requirements to Renew By Mail
You must have received a renewal packet or you must be on active duty serving with the military.
You must not be older than eighty (80) years of age. If you are, you must go in person to have your vision checked.
If your license is not a photo type license, you cannot use the online service. You must go in person.
Fill out the application that was sent in your renewal packet.
Include payment for the cost of $48.00. If you are renewing late, there is an extra fee of $15.00.
Send the application and payment to the address listed on the application form.
Your new license will arrive by mail in approximately one (1) week time.
Note: For questions concerning your online request, please contact the DMV via the following methods:
Website: Click Here.
Phone Numbers: 850-617-2000
Florida Drivers License Renewal for Military Drivers
The state of Florida will give you and your dependents flexibility as far as when and how to renew your expiring driver's license. You will be given two (2) options for renewing your license.
Simply renew your license online, in the same manner as all other drivers in Florida.
Or you can apply via mail for an extension of ninety (90) days from the date of your return to Florida (following termination of active duty)
You must be currently on active duty serving outside the state of Florida.
Commercial driver licenses cannot be extended. Extension is only for Class E licenses.
If your license is not a photo type license, you cannot use the online service. You must go in person.
Your license must be active (cannot be on suspension or revocation)
If you elect to renew online, the FL DMV system must have your U.S. citizen status.
Renewal Steps for U.S. Military Drivers Extension By Mail
You may process your 90 day extension using any one of the following three options.
Fill out the following Military Extension Application.
You'll be required to enter your name, birth date, driver license number, place of birth, address, mailing address.
Your signature and that of your command officer is required.
Please send the application by mail, email, or fax.
Mailing Address: Customer Service Center 2900, Apalachee Pkwy, MS 99, Tallahassee, FL 32399
Fax: 850-617-3985
If you are unable to print out the form above, you may call 850-617-2000 and process your extension over the phone.
If you would instead like to have your extension processed via email, you may do so by filling out the following form online.
There is no cost for this service.
Once your extension is processed, the DMV will mail you a card that will serve as the 90 day extension. You must always carry this card along with your license and military ID at all times while driving.
Note: Once you move back to Florida you must go in person to renew your license and show all required documents.
Renew Florida Drivers License In Person
If renewing online or by mail is not an option for you, you are welcome to go in person and have one of the Florida DMV attendants help you obtain your new license.
Requirements to Renew In Person
This is your only option if the last time you renewed either online or by mail.
You must renew in person if you are eighty (80) years or older.
You must not have a suspended license or a license that has been taken away.
If you are not a U.S. citizen or resident, and you are here temporarily with a legal visa or immigration papers, this is your only option.
Your license must be expiring within eighteen (18) months. Expired license holders may also renew in person.
Prepare your required documents. There are very specific requirements for this. Please read below for exact details.
Make an appointment to schedule a visit at any driver license office in Florida.
You must pass a vision test if you are eighty (80) years or older or if your license has expired.
You may have the test performed for free at at the DMV office. Please schedule your renewal for this (not required, but useful to save time). Or you have may have your own Florida eye care specialist (you may also go to a VA hospital) perform the test.
The eye doctor must complete the following a HSMV 72119 Vision Form. You may download it here.
Have the eye doctor send the form electronically to the FL DMV by using this page.
The eye test must not be older than one (1) year.
If for some reason you fail the test, there could still be an option for you to renew your license. You may qualify to get a restricted license.
For additional questions, do not hesitate to contact the DMV at 850-617-2000 or send them an email
Bring money to pay the renewal Fee.
The cost is $48.00
Note: You must add $15.00 if your license has expired.
Your photograph will be taken and stored.
You may not possess two licenses. You must discard your old one or hand it over to the DMV.
If successful, the DMV will create and give you your new Real ID federally compliant driver's license which should be valid for either six or eight years..
Florida Drivers License Renewal Documents
Since the year 2010, federal regulations have demanded that you present the following documents when renewing your license.
Bring your current expiring drivers license (although not required).
Proof of Identity alongside Birth Date
Examples of allowed documents are a birth certificate (must be certified), U.S. Passport, Consular Report of Birth Abroad, Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship.
Proof of Social Security Number
You may bring either your SSN card, w-2 form, pay stub or a 1099 form. If you were never assigned a social security number, please contact and have them write a letter saying that you are not eligible. In addition to the letter, you must show another form of identification. This could be either a drivers license, school record, certificate of baptism, insurance document, military ID, court order, CWP (concealed weapons permit) etc..
Proof of Residential Address. You must show two (2) documents from this list. Your drivers license will not work to satisfy this requirement.
Examples of allowed documents are an automobile insurance policy, mortgage payments, Florida Voter Registration Card, car registration or car title, boat registration or boat title, utility work receipt performed during past 2 months, car payment, health insurance card, home or auto insurance documents, the following statement from a parent legal guardian or person whom you reside, work license (must be government issued), form w-2 or 1099, ds2019 form,
Note: If you are not a citizen of the USA you must present proof of legal presence.
Auto Insurance
If you do not carry auto insurance in Florida you will be given a fine and possibly face license suspension. The law states that you must always carry financial responsibility and no fault insurance on your motor vehicle. This will cover the costs of potential damages when involved in an accident. Do not drive without insurance. Preparing for insurance costs during your upcoming renewal process will help you get a more affordable rate. Just give us your Florida zip code and we'll take care of making sure that you find the best possible insurance rates in your state. Use our Insurance Guide to get started.

Lost, stolen or destroyed your current license? Replace your Florida Drivers license now and avoid going to the DMV. There are many different ways in which to order a new duplicate license in the Sunshine state. The steps are different depending on your current situation. For instance, if you are currently away from the state, your options will be different from those drivers that are in state. Military drivers and non immigrants are also bound to specific rules. We've listed the different requirements in the corresponding sections below. You can quickly jump to the section which best describes your current situation. Remember, that the quickest way to get a replacement is to show up in person at any local driver license office. However, if you are uncertain which method is best for you, sign up using the link below and we'll supply you with a checklist and all of the necessary forms, rules, and steps.
For your complete Florida Replacement DMV guide please SIGN IN HERE.
How to Replace Your Lost Florida Drivers License
You can replace your Florida Drivers license using any one of the following methods:
In person at a local florida dmv office, or
online at
By mail.
Over the phone.
Of course, the fastest way to replace your Florida Driver's License is to go in person to a local Driver License office.
In Person
Prepare to bring documents which show proof of identity and proof of residence. (read below for complete list)
Take a look at the driver license office page to find your closest DMV office and drive or have someone take you.
You will need to pay a replacement fee. The current cost is $25.00. If you can show the copy of a police report, there will not a fee.
After completing the above steps, you will be given a new duplicate license.
Out of State Drivers
The Florida DMV understands the inconvenience of losing a license when traveling or living temporarily out of state. To make your life easier, there are several different avenues in which to have a duplicate issued. You can either:
Apply online.
Note: When applying online while out of state, since your duplicate license will be mailed to your current out of state location, you will be required to update your mailing address to your current out of state one. Upon returning to the state of Florida, you may update your address again to an in-state address.
Send your request via mail.
Call over the phone.
Send your request via email.
By Mail - For Out of State Drivers
You must have a valid non commercial drivers license.
Instead of having a duplicate issued, you will need to file for a temporary ninety (90) day permit. This permit will not cost you anything, as it is free.
Create a letter with your first, middle and last name, SSN, birth date, driver's license number (must be a Florida license), and your out of state mailing address.
You can apply for your permit by mailing to the following address:
Bureau of Records
2900 Apalachee Parkway, MS 92
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0575
Upon returning to the state, visit any dmv office to get a new duplicate license.
By Phone - For Out of State Drivers
Please call the following local Florida number: 850-617-2000. Be prepared to give your name, current address, driver's license number and SSN.
By Email - For Out of State Drivers
Click Here to contact the Florida DMV. Select the option called "Lost/Stolen/Damaged License-Currently Out of State".
You will receive a response in less than two (2) business days.
To have a duplicate replacement license processed online in Florida, you must meet the following requirements:
Requirements to Replace Lost License Online
You must be a U.S citizen.
You must have a social security number.
Please use your internet browser to visit the following Web Page.
In order to access the online system, you will be required to enter the following pieces of personal information:
Florida driver's license number, OR your car's VIN number, OR your car's tag (license plate) number.
Your date of birth and last 4 digits of SSN are also required.
If successful, you will be given the option of updating your emergency contacts in the event that you are involved in an accident.
You will be asked to confirm your address. If the address is different from the one on file, you will have to pay a corrected replacement fee.
Note: Your duplicate replacement license will be mailed to you and will arrive between one (1) and two (2) weeks. The only way to receive it sooner is to visit a driver license dmv office, and one will be issued immediately.
Note: For questions regarding your online transaction or license replacement, please contact the FL DMV here:
Online: Florida DMV Email Contact Page
Phone: 850-617-2000
Non U.S. Citizens
If you are temporarily living here (working, studying, etc.) in the U.S. with a valid U.S. visa, your only option is to visit a local dmv office In Person.
Military Drivers
If you are serving in the US military, you may request a duplicate replacement using any one of the following three options.
Use the following FL DMV Page to start your replacement online.
You'll be required to enter your Florida driver's license number, OR your car's VIN number, OR your car's tag (license plate) number.
Your date of birth and last 4 digits of SSN are also required.
If you do not wish to use the online page, you can call call 850-617-2000 and process your replacement over the phone.
As a final option, you may send your request via normal postal mail.
Mailing Address: Bureau of Records, 2900 Apalachee Parkway, MS 92, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0575
If you would instead like to have your replacement processed via email, you may do so by filling out the following contact form online.
Once your request for a duplicate license has been processed, the FL DMV will mail you a temporary ninety (90) day permit. The packet will also contain detailed instructions on how to apply for a permanent replacement license.
$25. Fee will be waived if a copy of a police report is shown when applying. However, there will be a cost if the information on your license has changed and you wish to apply for a new one.
Documents needed
Proof of Identity
Proof of Social Security Number
Proof of Residential Address
These can include:
Mortgage payments,
Florida Voter Registration Card,
Vehicle Registration or Title,
Boat Registration or Title,
A statement from a parent legal guardian or person whom you reside,
Homeowners insurance policy
Automobile insurance policy.
Note: If you are not a citizen of the USA
You must present proof of legal presence.

How to Change Your Name on Your Florida Drivers License
If you would like to change the name on your Florida Driver's License, you must
Visit any florida dmv office
Present Proof of the legal name change
Bring the incorrect / old license
Present all other required identity documents (See Below)
Documents needed
Proof of Identity
Proof of Social Security Number
Proof of Residential Address
These can include:
Mortgage payments,
Florida Voter Registration Card,
Vehichle Registration or Title,
Boat Registration or Title,
A statement from a parent legal guardian or person whom you reside,
Homeowners insurance policy
Automobile insurance policy.
Note: If you are not a citizen of the USA
You must present proof of legal presence.
How to Change the Address on Your Florida Drivers License
You must keep your Driver License address current in Florida within 10 days after you move to a new address. You can make the change by visiting
a local florida dmv office
or Online
or by Mail.
By Mail
Download and complete the following form :
Complete form, print and mail to:
Bureau of Records
P.O. Box 5775
Tallahassee, FL 32314-5775
Also include with the completed form a $25 check or money order made payable to: Division of Driver Licenses.
Allow 30 days for processing.
Please visit this address:
Local Driver License Office:
Please visit your local florida dmv office and take your Identification Documents below:
Documents needed
Proof of Identity
Proof of Social Security Number
Proof of Residential Address
These can include:
Mortgage payments,
Florida Voter Registration Card,
Vehichle Registration or Title,
Boat Registration or Title,
A statement from a parent legal guardian or person whom you reside,
Homeowners insurance policy
Automobile insurance policy.
Note: If you are not a citizen of the USA
You must present proof of legal presence.
Florida Driver License Office
Go to your Florida Driver License Office in order to take your required tests. You can use our locator to find the office that is closest to you.
Take the Florida Drivers License Test
At this point you need to make sure that you have prepared and studied all of the material for the written test. You can find the Florida Driver Test handbook here.
Buy a Car and Get Auto Insurance
Auto insurance is required by law in most states. Click HERE to get started and we'll help you find the lowest rates in your state.
Take the Driving Test
Your last step is to show up to your local Florida Driver License Office and take the driving test.